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- Kaita - Coral Clacium - jar x 120 capsules : Excellent anti-inflammatory in chronic diseases such as arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis and others.
- Cytostatic antimutagenic and stopping the development of cancerous cells.
- Action antiviral as adjuvant in Herpes, HIV, systemic candidiasis.
- Prevents and treats problems of gastritis, ulcers, diverticulosis, colitis, hemorrhoids, kidney disorders.
- Improves blood circulation and prevents the cardiovascular problems .
- Reduces effects of radiation and chemotherapy associated with cancer treatment.
- Antiinflammatory: In arthritis.
- Antimutagenic and cytostatic: Useful in the treatment of intestinal and renal cáncer.
- Depurativa: diverticulosis, colitis, haemorrhoids, fistulae, gastritis, ulcers, parasitism, imbalances in the intestinal flora, Crohn's disease, incontinence and kidney disorders.
- Coagulation inhibitor: Prevents and reduces the risk of heart problems, low blood pressure, increases circulation, inhibits the formation of plaque in the circulatory vessel walls of the heart, brain and arteries.
- Chemical or pollen allergy: In bronchitis and asthma.
- Antiviral: Genital herpes, herpes zoster virus, AIDS, systemic candidiasis. It is seen that if mixed with AZT (chemotherapy) prevents HIV multiplies and stops the development of cancerous cells.
- 1 Tablet every 8 hours