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- Weight: 125.00g
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- Perusana - Calcium Magnesium Zinc - Jar x 60 Tablets : It contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular system,it prevents cramps and muscle spasms.
- Magnesium, mineral needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Helps maintain muscle and nerve function in normal state, the heart rate remains constant, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Involved in the formation of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, repolarization of the neurons, useful in muscle contraction and relaxation. Magnesium deficiency contributes to an exaggerated immune response to stress and oxidative stress is the consequence of the inflammatory response.
- Calcium is necessary for muscle contraction, secretion of hormones and enzymes, and sending messages through the nervous system. A constant level of calcium in body fluids is maintained and tissues so that these vital body processes function efficiently.
- Zinc is an essential antioxidant mineral found in almost all cells. It stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes, which are substances that promote biochemical reactions in the body. Zinc supports a healthy immune system, is needed for wound healing, helps maintain your sense of taste and smell, and is needed for DNA synthesis.
- Perfect partnership to maximize calcium.
- Calcium fortalce bones and teeth.
- Magnesium favors the use of calcium by avoiding the formation of kidney stones.
- Prevents cramps and muscle spasms.
- Calcium is necessary for the maintenance of bones and teeth under normal conditions.
- Magnesium contributes to normal functioning of the nervous and muscular system.
- Zinc contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
- Zinc helps to protect cells against oxidative damage.
- Scientific evidence suggests that calcium supplements may reduce the risk of developing hypertension. However, FDA has determined that this evidence is inconsistent and inconclusive.
- 1 Tablet with food (breakfast, lunch and dinner)