Sunka - Peruvian Chicha Morada (Purple Corn) Tea Infusions , Box of 40 gr - A traditional drink native to the Andean region of Peru in pre-Hispanic ti..
Fitosana - Nutrisan Powder Flour with Heminic Iron , Bowl x 500 gr : Nutritional supplement made from Noni and heme iron, the best source of natural iron digestible with Andean cereals such as Cañihua, Amaranth, Maca, Quinoa Mashua that providing the necessary nutrients to ensure bett..
Nutrimix - Noni Flour Powder - Bag x 150 gr : This fruit delays the aging of cells and helps purify our body. Likewise, noni contains fiber that regulates intestinal transit and combats constipation problems. One of its great properties is based on its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant po..